Monday, June 1, 2009

Hey Everyone,

I am going to be a junior this fall and I am an interior design major here at TCU. I am currently from Richmond, Virginia but am staying in Fort Worth for the summer.

I am in this intro to fiction course because it is a core requirement but I am hoping to be exposed to new works of fiction that I can enjoy. For me reading is fun as long as the book can keep my interest. At TCU I have taken the Harry Potter freshman seminar course and sophomore comp. as well as a British lit. course, all of which I benefited from. The British literature course was harder to get through, because I could not relate to a lot of the stories, but I am glad that I now have an understanding about many classic pieces of literature. In this course I want to gain a broader knowledge of fiction and hopefully read a lot of material I would never come across otherwise. I am a visual learner and usually like to see things written down to help me remember them. Also, I am generally pretty quiet so I am not sure how well I will do in a discussion course but I will try my best to participate.

An interesting fact about me is that I have moved eight times and have never lived in the same place for more than 3 years. (Dad's job)

I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus.


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